Half done, half left
Finally it's saturday again! I think I needed a day off because I have been so tired those last days. (^ ^)
Yesterday at Universeum I did the usual which means cleaning and feeding. At the lunch break me, the other guy who have practical weeks at Universeum and two of the animalkeepers went to a sushi resturant. It taste so good with sushi and miso soup. I have really missed the miso soup, in Japan I ate it every day. (^ - ^)
Now I have done the half practical weeks period at Universeum and I enjoying every day. Here are some mobile-pictures from the week.

The aquarium underpass.

A cockroach.

Here I have just cleaned the rats cage.
When I come home yesterday I ate seafood again. Mom had bought crab and crayfish, yummie!! (^ - ^) I think the best things you can eat comes from the sea. What do you think about seafood?

Goeldis Monkey
Moshi Moshi!
Yeterday I came home very late that's why I didn't uppdate the blogg. (^ ^) At Universeum I built a new cage for some birds that soon will move from the quarantine to the rainforest. One bird have allready moved in to the new cage and I think he likes it! (^ - ^)
Yeterday I came home very late that's why I didn't uppdate the blogg. (^ ^) At Universeum I built a new cage for some birds that soon will move from the quarantine to the rainforest. One bird have allready moved in to the new cage and I think he likes it! (^ - ^)
After work I went to Stenungsund to buy some lens solution and then I meet up with my mom. Before we went home we ate dinner at a café there called "Eat". They have a taco bufé there which is very tasty!
Today I have put some plants in the new cage and it starts to look really good. (^ ^) I have also done the usual, feeding and cleaning. (^_-) That's one thing you allways do as a zookeper. But today I have fed the animal I have wanted to feed for a very long time now, the monkeys.

The picture is from Universeums home page.
The monkeys I fed are called Goeldis monkeys. They are just 19-23 cm high and wight 350-550 grams, so they are not so big. (^ ^) I have dreamed about feeding a monkey for so long as I can remember and today I actually did it!! 8(^ ▽ ^)8 They are so cute and have so small hands! I hope that they will let me feed them more times because this was one of best things I ever done!
You can read more about the monkeys HERE.

I sitting with a cup of tee and just relaxing after another day at Universeum. Every afternon I feel in my hole body that I have worked. I getting so tired, but still it's really fun and I enjoying every day. (^ - ^)
Today I have fed the snakes with some mice. The first time I fed the snakes at Dingle I feelt for the mice (even if it's allready dead) and thought it was a little bit disgusting. But later I have get used to it and now I think it's really fun. Think of it this way; the snakes need to eat they too. (^_-) It looks so fun when the snakes swallowing the mice, hihi!
Other things I have done is cleaning, feding more animals and reconstructed a bird cage in the quarantine. There are two quarantines, one for new animals and one for sick animals. This is so the new animals should not bring any disease they can infect the other animals with. And the sick animals quarantine is so they cant infect more animals. The quarantine I been to was the one with new animals.
Here are som pics from the rainforest today.

I don't have any more to say right now, haha! (^ ^) See you tomorrow. ♡

Shark feeding
It's monday and I feel totaly rested after the weekend and ready for the new week. (^ - ^)
Today at Universeum I have been washing and cleaning a lot. The one who normaly do the dishes had a day off. (^ ^) But I have not just been cleaning all day, I have also fed the frogs and salamanders. I really like to feed the salamanders, you are taking a cricket on a stick and place it in front of the salamander. They are so cute and it's fun to see them eat.
In the middle of the day I also saw the shark feeding which are on the schedule for visitors. The shark are really majestic, they look so peacful when they are swimming around in the big tank. But it was fun to se them eat, even if I don't think it was somthing speciall. The thing I liked the most was the things the guide talked about, I learnd much about the sharks that I didn't know before.
I didn't bring my camera today either, so as usual I just have mobile pictures. They are not so good but bether then nothing I think. (^_-)

Here you se the yellor bridge where the zookeepers are standing.
In the right corner you can se the stick they use when they are feeding.
In the right corner you can se the stick they use when they are feeding.

A shark are taking a fish from the stick.

And a litle pic of mee. (^_^)
Now it's time to go to bed. We will se what's happening tomorrow.
Sweet Dreams ❤

Today my alarm didn't woke me up. It was so nice to be able to stay in the bed. After breakfast my family went to the beach and I went to the gym and wellness section. I had the hole gym for my self, that means good music on high volume. (^ - ^)

After the training I went to the sauna. They have ordinary finnish sauna, aroma sauna and steam sauna. I had that section for my own also, I don't know why anybody was there beacuse it's really nice!

Happy Elin after training.
When I had been there for awhile I went and met my family for some lunch at the resturant.

Caesar salad, yummie!

Picture from the camping.
Then it was time to pack our things and go home. Now I'm home again and done with all the un-packing. Tomorrow it's monday again and time to go to Universeum. (^ - ^)

Weekend at Hafsten
Moshi Moshi!
My saturday started with work, selling news papers. But it was nice today because the sun have been shining the whole day. (^ ^) On days like this it can be really fun to cycling around and give people there news papers. Somtimes I even stay a few minutes to talk with them, they are all so kind.
My saturday started with work, selling news papers. But it was nice today because the sun have been shining the whole day. (^ ^) On days like this it can be really fun to cycling around and give people there news papers. Somtimes I even stay a few minutes to talk with them, they are all so kind.
Later my mom and dad came home to pick me up and we went to a house which are for sale. Today they had it opend for visitors who are interested and maybe will by it. The house is really cute and have a beautiful big garden. We really like it, but unfortunatly it's to expensive for us and the house needs to be renovated. (-_-) But it was still fun to go there and look at it.
After that we went to the camping, Hafsten, my parents went to yesterday. Because the sun was shining we went directly to the beach when we got there. Here are some mobile pictures. (^_-)

On the beach

I thought it was to cold to take a swim and I'm not that kind of person who like to sunbathe. So I did what I like to do most, read. The book I'm reading at the moment is called "Över näktergalens golv" (english: Across the Nightingale Floor) written by Lian Hearn.
I really like this book because it's inspired by Japanese coulture. The story is totaly made-up but still there are few things which are the same as in the reality. (^ ^) It is hard to describe what makes it so good but I think you should read it. Once you have started you can't stop reading, haha!

Friday by my self
I'm home all alone. My parents and Elias (my youngest brother) are away with our caravan and Erik (my other little borther) sleeping over with a friend. They left before I come home from Universeum so I have to spend the friday by my self. But Keyla is here so I'm not totaly alone. (^_-)
At Universeum today I fed the birds and prepared food for the weekend. Everbody prepare the food for there animals to make it much more esier for the one who are working on the weekend. (^ - ^) I have also done alot of cleaning and then I have fed the insects. Every day I'm doing different things, you never know what needs to be done.

Food to the birds who are flying free in the rainforest.
A butterfly also takes a taste.
A butterfly also takes a taste.

One Ibis in the rainforest.
On my break today I went to a smal fruit shop which have alot of different kind of fruits. There I bought both dried and fresh fruits and some nuts. Now I am watching the TV and eating alot of good fruits like papaya, melon, peach and more. (^ ^) Yummie!

In the rainforest
My first week at Universeum is almost done. It's very fun and really like to be there. (^ - ^) The most of the time am I in the rainforest and working with the birds but somtimes also with the ohter animals who lives there.
My first week at Universeum is almost done. It's very fun and really like to be there. (^ - ^) The most of the time am I in the rainforest and working with the birds but somtimes also with the ohter animals who lives there.
The rainforest is really amazing, it doesn't feels like you're inside with all the plants and animals. Here are some picture, taken with my mobile, from the week.

Saw shark in the aquarium area.
I have not been workning there but I passes it every day.
I have not been workning there but I passes it every day.

The Toucan George. Here I have just given him his food, pellets and blueberries. (^ - ^)

Dwarf marmoset monkeys. Right now they are not in the exhibition.
I was cleaning for them yesterday. They are so cute!
I was cleaning for them yesterday. They are so cute!
There are things to do all the time so I don't get bored, haha! (^_-) Most of the time it is cleaning ore fix things to be better for the animals. Ofcourse there are some feeding too. The small times you have with the animals is worth all the hard work, I really love them and get happy around them.
The hardest thing is the long way to get to Gothenburg and then to get back home. It takes 2 hours one way, so totaly I spending 4 hours each day on bus, trains and at the tram. But it is really worth it! (^ - ^) When I come home it's late and I haven't had my computer on for the whole week, that's way I haven't been blogging so much. Maybe I will try to blogg little more from my mobile on the trains. (^_^)

God morgon!
I'm on the train right now on my way to Gothenburg. This Monday I started my practical weeks at Universeum as a zookeper. (^ - ^) It's very interesting to see how they work anf it's fun too.
This week I'm with the birds. Here are a picture from my instagram on the Toucan cage. ( ^ ^ )

You're the one
This thursday you could hear Yohio's new single You're the one for the first time, he released it on friday. It's the first song from his new album that will be released later this year.
I really love this song and think it's one of the beat he has done. The text is so sweet and, as usual, his voice is really amazing!

My week
Sorry for that I haven't updated in a few days now. I have been working late at the veterinary station and when I got home I was so tired that I didn't had the strength to do anything.
Sorry for that I haven't updated in a few days now. I have been working late at the veterinary station and when I got home I was so tired that I didn't had the strength to do anything.
Just this friday I could go home in time. When I got home I just ate and then me, my mom and Erik went to Gothenburg on "Kulturkalaset" (like a festival). The reason why was because Yohio had a little concert there. (^ ^)y He was really good, I'm so in love with his voice.
I did not bring my camera because it was raining but I took a few pictures with my mobile. They weren't so good but here are one anyway. (^_-)

I'm really excited to se meet him in September! I wonder how he is as a person.

Shoes from Japan
Now is my summer vacation over for real. Today I started to work at the veterinary station, Orust Veterinärpraktik, that I had practical weeks on earlier this summer. It's a very fun place to work on so I'm very happy that they called me. (^ ^) I still have this silence contract which means that I'm not allowed to talk about what we are doing on the days. That is because if you come with your pet to the veterinary you should be sure that no one talks about what you and your pet did at the vet.
Now is my summer vacation over for real. Today I started to work at the veterinary station, Orust Veterinärpraktik, that I had practical weeks on earlier this summer. It's a very fun place to work on so I'm very happy that they called me. (^ ^) I still have this silence contract which means that I'm not allowed to talk about what we are doing on the days. That is because if you come with your pet to the veterinary you should be sure that no one talks about what you and your pet did at the vet.
Instead I thought I will show you the shoes I bought in Japan. (^ - ^) I didn't had so much space in my bag so I could just by two pars.

I bought this in Shibuya 109

This I bought i Akihabara. I bought them to wear them to the yukata.
It is not the traditional ones, but it looks better than ordinary shoes.
It is not the traditional ones, but it looks better than ordinary shoes.
Next time I go to Japan I will bring a larger suitcase. The one I had with me needed me and two teachers to be closed, but still it just wight between 16-17 kg when I was allowed to have 23 kg. (o.O) Think about how much more I could bring to Sweden if I just had a larger suitcase! Haha, it is a very ridiculous problem when you think about it. (≧◔◡◔≦)

Hej Hej!
The days here in Sweden are pretty lazy so I don't have so much to write about. (^ ^) Today, after have selling the news papers, I followed my mom to some friends. There we talked, had some coffee and cake and looked at their foal who was born the same weekend I came home from Japan. She is so cute! Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera so I do not have any pictures on her.
I have also practice my driving today and it went really well. It didn't feel like I haven't been driving for such a long time. If i just continue with the theory I think I soon will have my driving license. (^ - ^)y

Now I have just baked this swedish cardamom-cake (kardemummakaka). Actually this is the first time, hihi! I have baked alot but never tried this ordinary swedish cake. Maybe because it is so easy, I like challenges when I bake. (^_-) But this went out pretty well I think.

Orange again
Today I started to work with selling swedish news papers again, so "sayonara" to sleep late in the mornings. (^ ^) But it's good because I can collect the money I earn and maybe it can be another trip to Japan in the future.
Today I started to work with selling swedish news papers again, so "sayonara" to sleep late in the mornings. (^ ^) But it's good because I can collect the money I earn and maybe it can be another trip to Japan in the future.
Later mom helped me to color my hair. The orange color had fade so much and I have missed it, so now my hair is orange again! (^ - ^)y Here are a picture from my instagram (eliinpelin).

But I think we have to color it again soon because my hair was to long for just one bottle. Now it is deeper orange on the roots and very light on the tops, hihi. So I will color the tops one more time to make it more even.

It have been a pretty lazy day today too, but it is summer so that's the way it should be. (^ ^)
It have been a pretty lazy day today too, but it is summer so that's the way it should be. (^ ^)
I had nothing to do this morning so I started to bake some muffins. First I made my one recipe based on a recipe for normal muffins. It turned out pretty vell i think, it became liquorice muffins with chocolate chips.
But when they were done I still wanted to bake, so I made chocolate muffins which I added some white chocolate chips in. Yummie! (≧◡≦)

Fika on the balcony.

My muffins. I think they look almost naked without frosting, haha.
Next time I will do some frosting and transform them into cupcakes. (^ , -)
Next time I will do some frosting and transform them into cupcakes. (^ , -)