Ride to the vet
I am free from school today, so I'm still home. (^ ^) I started the day with a ride together with my mom. I rode Safir and she rode Magni to the veterinary station because Magni would take his vaccine. It went out well and we come home just before it started to rain.
We do not have any snow here yet. (-_-) I hope it will come sone because it is 1 december on sunday. The snow is very late this year, and the recent days it have even felt wormer. But it will come, soon ore later, it always do and then in the spring I will be so tired of it and just want it to go away. Hihi! (^_-)

Picture from last winter
Do you have snow where you live?

VIXX Voodoo Doll
I have been sick, again, so that's why I have been off for a few days.
I have been sick, again, so that's why I have been off for a few days.
But now I feeling quite okey again. (^ ^)
This thusday I went to the doctor to take some tests again. They started with trying to take some blood from one of my arms but it did not work. Then they tried on the other arm but it did not work there either. At that moment I started to feel bad because it hurts when they stick the needle in you and I don't like it.
They started to look at my hands to see if they could stick me there but in the last moment they found one place on my arm where they could take some blood. But that last stick made me feel dizzy and I nearly fainted so they had to tilt the chair almost upside down. In the end it all went out well and they got the blood they need to analyze.
When we already are talking about blood and needles I most show you Vixx new music video,
Voodoo doll. It's so scary but cool at the same time. Sensitive people should not wattch. (^_-)
What do you think? It's really different but I kind of love it. (^ - ^) There are something with this dark side that attracts me.

Striped pants
Moshi Moshi!
I feeling pretty lazy today, hihi! But I have done one test in math so I think it's okay to be a little bit lazy. (^_-) And I will need all my energy for tomorrow because it is my classmate's funeral.
I have mixed feelings for it, it will feel good to say "good bye" and let her go but on the other half it will be hard and much emotionals. That's why I tell you know so you know if I do not updates the blog tomorrow. (- -)
But now I will talk about something else. I have tried to take a picture of me today because I am wearing one of my new pants that I bought on Ullared. It was difficult because I only had my iPhone and the only big mirror in this school is in one of the toilets, hihi! (^ ^) Here it is:

I really love this pants! It's so hard to find nice pants in Sweden and when I saw this it was love at first sight. o(* . *)o I'm so glad that they fit me beacuse I bought it on the children's section.

Sushi Cake
Hi everyone!
I had no lessons yesterday so after school, this monday, I went back home. I was so glad that I was able to be home because it was my moms bithday. (^ ^) I Love You Mom, I hope you know that! ❤
So I spent the day in the kitchen and made a carrot cake in two layers, as my mom wished, and I also tried a recipe on a cake that I have composed all by my self. It was the first time I didn't had any recipe too start from, like a base recipe. (^ - ^)y
This is what I made:

A Sushi cake, and it was so delicious! I do not have direct measurement but I will post the recipe anyhow beacuse it is so easy to do and you can use the amount as you wish. (^_-)
Sushi Cake
You will need:
✤ Sushi rice, I used 250g (cooked like in the instructions on the package)
✤ Nori
✤ Sour cream, I used about 100g
✤ Cream cheese, I used about 50g
✤ Red onion, I used one half
✤ Surimi stick (also called crab sticks)
✤ Avocado, I used one
✤ Salmon
✤ Cucumber
✤ Shrimp
✤ Sesame seeds (optional)
Do it like this:
1. Add one nori paper in a round baking tin with removable rim. Add rice and press it so it get compact, it helps the cake to keep the round shape.
2. First Layer: Chop the onion and mix it with the cream cheese and sour cream. Lay the mixture on the rice. Cut the surimi sticks in smaller pieces and add that on the mixture.
3. Add one nori paper and some more rice, press it so it get comapct.
4. Second Layer: Mash the avocado and spread it over the rice. Cut the salmon in smaller pieces and add that on the avocado.
5. Once again add one nori paper and rice, press it. When it is compact enough you can remove the rim. You will now have a nice round shape on the cake.
6. Decorate the cake with slices of cucumber and add some shrimps. Finish the cake by strewing sesame seeds over it. I also cut nori lika stripes to decorate with.
Serve it with Japanese soy ore eat it as it is.
If you make it I would be very happy if you leave a comment about what you thought about it!

Weekend with the girls
I did not have time to blog when I were at Evelinas house, we had so mush fun and the time just flow away. (^ ^) Some things we did was played games, went for a walk and cooked a three-course dinner together. Here are some pictures:


I did the dessert. Can you guess what this is going to be?

First course; Shigumchi-guk
(Korean noodle soup)
(Korean noodle soup)

Main course; Roast Chicken with vegetables

Dessert; Blackberry crumble
I had really fun, it was nice to have a weekend with the girls. (^ - ^)

In the caravan

I am sitting in the caravan right now. (^ ^) Me, Elias, mom and dad are going to sleep here for one night. Maybe they will stay here all weekend but I will go to Evelina tomorrow after the photo shoot and sleep over at het place. (^_-)
Before we left home I brushed Keyla and then I vashed her. Now she is so fluffy and soft for tomorrow. I am blogging from my iPhone right now so I just have one picture on Keyla for you.

This is taken a few minutes ago, now she have moved to the bed instead. (^ - ^)

Tokyo essay
Now am I finally done with a big english essay! The essay was actually pretty fun because I wrote a tourist guide about Tokyo, but it feels good to hand it in. (^ ^) The best part were that I was able to use my own pictures in the essay. But when I looked thrue all the pictures from Tokyo I almost started to cry beacuse I miss Japan and my friends so much!! I will go back some day, and that is for sure. ♡
Now am I finally done with a big english essay! The essay was actually pretty fun because I wrote a tourist guide about Tokyo, but it feels good to hand it in. (^ ^) The best part were that I was able to use my own pictures in the essay. But when I looked thrue all the pictures from Tokyo I almost started to cry beacuse I miss Japan and my friends so much!! I will go back some day, and that is for sure. ♡
I have not done so much else today, unless you want to hear about my school day (^_-) (just ordinary school subjects today).
Here are one selfie I took with the webcam, so the post will be a little more fun to read, hihi!

What have you guys been up to today?

I have been in the stable all morning today. It was my half of the class turn to do the routines. So I have been taking horses in and out too their paddocks, cleaned their boxes and given them food. (^ ^)
First I thought it was really cold but after a while I was so warm that I needed to take my jacket of, it's like a workout haha! But it was really fun. I allways feel like home when I am in the stable, just that special smell and sound of horses is so cozy. I think I love it because I grow up with horses.
Here are some pictures from this morning (taken with the mobile because my camera are still at home)

Now I have not been doing so much more than home works.
But actually, now I remember one thing I did! (^ - ^) I have called one store i Uddevalla called Grizzly Zoo. This weekend they are going to have a photographer there who are going to take photos on you and your dog, or just the dog, for free. So I have signed up me and Keyla at a time. It's going to be so fun! On friday I will be doing a lot of grooming and washing, haha! (^_-)

Hi everyone!
Saturday evening I went to a friend and sleept over because on sunday we, and some other friends, had a road trip to Ullared (a big store with almost eveything, and it's cheap). We had alot of fun and I bought new cloths, christmas gifts and some random stuffs. (^_-) I will show you when I use it.
Saturday evening I went to a friend and sleept over because on sunday we, and some other friends, had a road trip to Ullared (a big store with almost eveything, and it's cheap). We had alot of fun and I bought new cloths, christmas gifts and some random stuffs. (^_-) I will show you when I use it.
Yesterday I had lesson on Nordens Ark, like every monday. We activated some rabbits, pallas cat and after that we went to the tropical house. There we trained on handling cockroaches. I was a litle bit scared first because they look disgusting, but in the same moment I held one of them I changed my mind. They are actually pretty cute! (^ ^)

Hissing Cockroach

Death head cockroach

I held in this two species of cockroaches, both are in the same size but the death head cockroach are more active and the hissing cockroach hiss. They were very funny and it tickled on my hands when they ran, hihi!
Today I have been in Uddevalla and made some advertising for the school so now I'm tired after standing all day. Maybe I will watch some anime before I go to bed. We will see.

Hela Sverige Bakar
Hej svejjs!
It haven't happend so much the latest day, just ordinary school and home works. (^_-) Now I'm home and have just watch the latest episode of "Hela Sverige Bakar", a swedish baking competition.

It's so fun and they are really good at baking. As you might know I love to bake by my self so I get so much insperation and learning so much buy watching this program. (^ ^) Here are some pastries they baked in the latest program:
Saint Honoré-cake
Biscuits with strawberry, passionfruit and chocolate
Raspberry- and white chocolatemoussecake
Veronica's summerpastries
Klick on the pictures to see the recipes ore klick here to see all recipes from the program (all recipes are in Swedish).

Instagram Drawings
It have been just an ordinary day in school today, except from that they were cleaning in the cowhouse with hot steam and made the fire alarm shout two times. Haha, that is just normal in Dingle. (^_-)
I don't know if I have told you about my instagram habits. I am really addicted to it and check my instagram several times each day. (^ ^) One person I follow is Vivian Wong who is really good at drawing. Her motives are very fun and cute, often Disney characters ore other cartoons. I really love her style, here are some of my favorit drawings she has done.

I can really relate to this picture.
Sometimes the school gives us to much to think about
and on top on that you alot of things besides school.
Just less then one year for me left, then I'm free! Hihi! o(^ - ^)o
Just less then one year for me left, then I'm free! Hihi! o(^ - ^)o
I think you should check her out, klick HERE to se her instagram (@vivianhitsugaya)
And you know that you also can follow me on instagram (@eliinpelin), right?

Life and Death
It haven't happend so very much acctually but still there is much going on in my life right now. The autumn vacation did not start so very good. One of my classmates, and a friend, died. It have been hard for me and everything have felt upside down since then. (-_-) It was not one of my closest friends but still I hunged out with her sometimes.
Now she have got wings and don't feel any pain anymore. ♡

It's hard for me to handle death, I really can not believe that they are gone. For me it feels like they are still alive somewhere but I will never se them again. Maybe it is ture. I think that it must be something else after death, that it's just your body who die but your spirit is still alive. I have alway imagined that those who have died come to a beautiful place, like a paradise full of love and happines. Maybe it's just because of when you where litten you where told that those who died come to haven.
But I will belive in that there are something beautiful after death.
What do you think happens when we die?