Home for one day
Moshi Moshi!
Now I sitting in my sofa at home and looking at some movie my little brother are watching. (^ ^) I went home today because I do not have any classes tomorrow. So tomorrow will be a study-day for me and I choosed to have it at home.

I haven't been doing so much today either, I only had english in school. So I did alot of stuff that I had missed when I was ill. (^ - ^) It feels good to be done with that, now I can relax a little bit.
What have you been doing today?

Long time ago
It have been a while since I uppdated last time now. I don't know why but I didn't felt that I wanned to blogg, even if I love my blogg. ❤ Maybe I just needed a little break. I have been sick so much and when I come back to school I just hanged out with my friends and did home works. (^ ^) I didn't wanned to sit by the computer at all.
It have been a while since I uppdated last time now. I don't know why but I didn't felt that I wanned to blogg, even if I love my blogg. ❤ Maybe I just needed a little break. I have been sick so much and when I come back to school I just hanged out with my friends and did home works. (^ ^) I didn't wanned to sit by the computer at all.
This wensday I did some tests at the doctor. He called me today and want me to come back in two-three weeks to take some more tests. There was something in the results which were a little bit different but they are not sure and that's why they want me to come back and take some more tests.
But I'm not deadly sick ore something, so don't worry. I feeling okey except from sometimes when I get a little bit tired and dizzy. (^_-)

From my Instagram, @eliinpelin
Now is it time for a cup of tee before I'm going to bed. (^ - ^)

SHINee Everybody
Today SHINee's new music video Everybody released!! o(^ ^)o They have been posting pictures since last week and you have been able to listen to the song. I allready liked the song and I really like the music video! You can always count on SHINee, haha! (^_-)
Take a look:
What do you guys think?
I really like the dance and their clothes are really cool, especially the white suits. Another thing that I noticed is their awesome makeup! Guys with eyeliner always look good, hihi! (a)

Powerful Singing
On Yohios concert this saturday his friend, the filmdirector Yousef Bilal, was standing in front of me. A few days ago he uploaded a short clip, my favorit part from the concert, where Yohio sang and the whole audience sang with him. It was so beautiful, take a look. (; . ;)
You can actually see me, if you look really carefully, when he turns the camera around. (^ - ^)y I'm standing to the right of the sign the guard is taking down because it was in the way for those who was standing behind.
Yousef have done three of Yohios music videos. Their first video together was Our story, after that they became friends and also did Heartbreak Hotel and Revolution. I think Yousef is really good at create movies and I looking forward too se more of his cooperation with Yohio in the future.

Baby Sloths
I'm still sick and home on the couch. (>.<)
A friend showed me this cute baby sloths a while ago and I thought that I most show it to you. They are so adorable!! (^ ^)
This is a program on Animal Planet called Too Cute Baby Sloths. I really want to see this program but haven't found it yet. Maybe it's a old program that they aren't showing anymore.
Now I will go and eat dinner and after that me and mom will go to the doctor. I don't won't to be sick anymore, I miss my friends! ❤

Stockholm weekend
This friday mom and I drove to Stockholm in her new car for a weekend together. (^ ^) I'm still sick but it was fun anyway. That's way I haven't been updating, my computer have been off the whole weekend.
We arrived late on friday evening because I was in school before we went off. So we just unpacked a little and then we went to bed.
On saturday we took the train to a shopping mall there we looked in stores and just had a good time together. Later in the evening I went to Yohios final concert, scroll down to read about it. (^_-)
Sunday morning we just ate breakfast and packed our things before we started the long trip home again, it took 6-7 hours to drive from Stockholm. A really fun weekend wiht my mom, I love you! ❤
The hotel we spent the weekend on was pretty okey. You can say that we got wath we paid for. Here are some pictures.

Breakfast buffe on the hotel.

Our hotel room.

Sushi Lunch.
On saturday evening I was on Yohios tour final in annexet. It was something really speciall with as much as 22 songs(!), guitarr playing and guest artists. The band which have been playing with him on the tour have their own band (without Yohio) called Desaiha. Their vocalist Adrian come to annexet so Desaiha played one of their songs. (^ - ^) They are really good and I'm excited to hear their music which will be released later this autumn.
Another very speciall artist who was their and sang two songs together with Yohio was the Japanese artist Gackt!!! o(* ▽ *)o It was really amazing, they are both very tallented, and I can't believe that Gackt come all the way from Japan to play in Sweden.
Yohio himself was amazing as usuall. It was a fantastic tour final and a night to remember, I can't find words for the the atmosphere in the arena and the feelings I feelt!! The best thing is that they recorded everything and you are going to be able to by an DVD with the concert just before christmas. I really can't wait, I just want to turn back time and go to the concert once again.

The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug
I'm still sick and today my mom also joined me at the coach, she have also got the cold. So we have been watching Trueblood the whole morning. (^ ^) When you're sick the series boxes are you're best friends, haha!
In december the second Hobbit movie, The Desolation of Smaug, will be released and yesterday was the first time I saw the trailer. I'm really excited about it and even more after have seen the trailer!
What do you guys think, is this going to be the movie of the year? (^ - ^)

Lipton Blueberry Muffin
I'm sick, thats why I haven't been writing for a few days now. On saturday I just took it easy and on sunday I went to Torp with my mom and little brothers. It was first then I feelt that I wasn't feeling so good. And yesteraday I woke up with an hurting throat. (>.<) So now I drinking alot of tea trying to get better, it's so boring to be home alone and having nothing to do.

Luckily we bought a new tea this weekend, it have a taste of Blueberry Muffin. I really love it, it have a strong taste of blueberry and a sweet aftertaste that reminds a little bit of muffins. (^ ^)
I just noticed that I lied erlier, I'm not home all alone, I have my sweeties here with me; Alfred, Keyla (our two dogs) and Pysen.

Pysen <3