The last weeks I have been feeling dizzy sometimes and my leggs doesn't always want to do as I say. I have just pushed it aside and thought that it's probably just temporary. But yesterday I feelt really strange and the dizzieness didn't go away. So I took the bus to Uddevalla there my mom picked me up. Today I have been home all day and just taking it easy. I also did little homeworks that I know they have been working with today at school.
The last weeks I have been feeling dizzy sometimes and my leggs doesn't always want to do as I say. I have just pushed it aside and thought that it's probably just temporary. But yesterday I feelt really strange and the dizzieness didn't go away. So I took the bus to Uddevalla there my mom picked me up. Today I have been home all day and just taking it easy. I also did little homeworks that I know they have been working with today at school.
Tomorrow I will go back to Dingle and see how it goes, I haven't been so much dizzy today. If this will continue I think we will go to the hospital and take some tests, maybe something is missing in my body. Strange because I taking vitamins every morning already.
Changing subject, hihi. (^ ^) I did a really good lunch today, a recipe that I found on the internet.
Here are a pic from my instagram (eliinpelin)
