Powerful Singing
On Yohios concert this saturday his friend, the filmdirector Yousef Bilal, was standing in front of me. A few days ago he uploaded a short clip, my favorit part from the concert, where Yohio sang and the whole audience sang with him. It was so beautiful, take a look. (; . ;)
You can actually see me, if you look really carefully, when he turns the camera around. (^ - ^)y I'm standing to the right of the sign the guard is taking down because it was in the way for those who was standing behind.
Yousef have done three of Yohios music videos. Their first video together was Our story, after that they became friends and also did Heartbreak Hotel and Revolution. I think Yousef is really good at create movies and I looking forward too se more of his cooperation with Yohio in the future.
