Training with blueberries
Yesterday I become the "bird girl" at Universeum for real. I took care of all the birds and it was really fun! I had things to do all the time so I did not get bored, haha! (^ ^)
We have trained the assaries and small toucans to get used to a carrier a few days now. I put blueberries in a carrier and leave it in the cage for a few hours. It's going very well and they actually have start to like the carrier I think. They seems so happy when I come with it.

The small toucans and assaries are really my favorit birds at Universeum. They have such a personality and are really smart. It's so fun to feed them with blueberries ore just play with them. It seems like they like it too. (^ - ^)
The reason why I didn't update yesterday was because I have started to talk with a new friend. Yesterday was the first time we talked at the phone so it eneded up with that we talked the whole evening. (^ ^) Hihi! It's always fun with new friends.
