Blåhuvad Tangara
The birds are feeling fine today too at Universeum. (^ ^) Now when we have more birds in rainforest we have noticed that they are eating alot more. We need to change or add food a several time each day, haha!
The birds are feeling fine today too at Universeum. (^ ^) Now when we have more birds in rainforest we have noticed that they are eating alot more. We need to change or add food a several time each day, haha!
I have been doing the birds almost by my own today. I now what to do so it's not that hard, it's just fun! (^ - ^) Here are some pictures on the birds.

Blue necked tanager
(Blåhuvad Tangara)
(Blåhuvad Tangara)

Blue necked Tanager and
Red-legged Honeycreeper
Red-legged Honeycreeper
The bird we released are in this two species and one more specie that I don't remember the name of. Thats why I posting so much pictures on them. I use the camera to take pictures on the birds I have seen every day so we can check that we have seen everybody. All the birds have rings on their leggs in different colours so we can se the differense betwen them. (^ ^)
Tomorrow I will do the birds by my self for real because my "supervisor" will not be there. Exciting!
Now I will go to bed so I'm totally rested tomorrow. Sweet Dream! ❤
