Lipton Blueberry Muffin
I'm sick, thats why I haven't been writing for a few days now. On saturday I just took it easy and on sunday I went to Torp with my mom and little brothers. It was first then I feelt that I wasn't feeling so good. And yesteraday I woke up with an hurting throat. (>.<) So now I drinking alot of tea trying to get better, it's so boring to be home alone and having nothing to do.

Luckily we bought a new tea this weekend, it have a taste of Blueberry Muffin. I really love it, it have a strong taste of blueberry and a sweet aftertaste that reminds a little bit of muffins. (^ ^)
I just noticed that I lied erlier, I'm not home all alone, I have my sweeties here with me; Alfred, Keyla (our two dogs) and Pysen.

Pysen <3
