This morning I could not stay in bed as long as I use to. It was because I worked at the veterinary station I have been working at somtimes. (^ ^) It was fun to be there again and I'm going to work there some more days during the vacation.

When I got home I rested for a while and later me, mom, dad and Erik went to Torp again. (^ ^) This time to look on some new wallpapers to our living room and hall, but we did not find any.
Now I'm home again on the couch. I think I'm about to catch a cold. (>.<) I do not hope so because tomorrow we will go to Hönö and visit my grandmothers mother. I have not seen her in ages so it's going to be so fun! But I do not want to infect her.
I think I will make me a cup of tea with honey now. See you ❤
