It is Saturday and I have been working in the animal house all day with cleaning terrariums. Ofcourse there have been routines also, like feeding.
Here are some mobile pictures. (^ ^)

Leopard gecko

African fat-tailed gecko

Me and a Red Cornsnake
My mom, dad and Elias (my youngest little brother) made a visit at my lunch break to leave some medicine and to eat "Lussekatter" (buns with saffron). Finally I got my saffron, yummie! o(^ - ^)o
The medicine is because of the results from the tests I did earlier this fall. Hopefully it will make me become better.
I don't want to bore you with to much info, but I promise it is nothing that can not be fixed. (^_-)
Now I will soon go back to the animal house again to check all the animals one last time before night. Se you soon!

Postat av: Marina
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