Moshi Moshi!
I have meet so many new friends from different countries so I will try to write this is in english. Before I must apologize becuase english is not my strength, but I will try to do my best. (^ _ -)
Now am I home in Sweden again and I allready miss Japan! But it is good to be home anyway. The trip home was long but I sleept a bit and then they had many good movies on the airplane. My grandparents meet me on the airport because my mom, dad and my youngest brother was on vacation with our caravan. So my grandparents pikt me up and drove me home, there my other litle brother and dog was waiting on me. (^ ^) But it was so late that I went to sleep when I come home.
Here are some pictures from the fervell party we had this friday. The pictures is taken by sensei Ryuta Takai, uploaded on Manabis facebook page.

Me and my sensei

Sweets, yummie!

We played a game there everbody had to tell about our best memories.
Here I telling about mine; Meeting so many new friends! <3
Here I telling about mine; Meeting so many new friends! <3

Our class

And here are a picture from yesterday, this time taken by me.

The bus to the airport. Sayonara Japan!
I have really had the best time of my life! Thank you everbody who had made this trip so amazing; all my friends, the teachers, the leaders and ofcourse my wonderful host family! I can't find words for how grateful I am. ❤ Be sure that I will go back till Japan some day, I will start collect money immediatelly! (^ - ^)
